Disco Fries - Liftoff Radio

Disco Fries Liftoff Radio – 023

Episode Summary

Liftoff Radio in August 2016 brings you the latest new music from Bingo Players, Gazzo featuring Y LUV, DJ Snake, and Disciples. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, tweet your reactions and favorite tracks to[@ TheDiscoFries](https://twitter.com/TheDiscoFries) on Twitter, and join the discussion at [Facebook.com/TheDiscoFries](https://www.facebook.com/thediscofries/).

Episode Notes

Liftoff Radio in August 2016 brings you the latest new music from Bingo Players, Gazzo featuring Y LUV, DJ Snake, and Disciples. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, tweet your reactions and favorite tracks to@ TheDiscoFries on Twitter, and join the discussion at Facebook.com/TheDiscoFries.